Born in Milano, Italy, on February 18, 1946. He built the first receiver at age 13th (a reflex circuit from a magazine with two germanium transistors: one OC45 and one OC70).
First licensed as I1ANR (later I2ANR) on May 1964. Mostly active with homebrew equipments on 2m during his studies. Sporadic activity on 40m using AM.
Graduated as Electronic Engineer at the Politecnico di Milano during his military service in the summer of 1970 while he was serving as lieutenant at the Salto di Quirra missile test range.
At the end of the seventies he was active in research over computer networks: the EIN (the European Informatic Network, a COST 11 action) and Euronet.
During 83 he joined the European Southern Observatory ESO and he was assigned to the La Silla Observatory in the Atacama desert as scientific programmer. During his career served as Assistant Director and later as Chief Engineer. He ended his career as IT Manager for all the Chilean installations of ESO. Retired at age 65 and now devoted mostly to electronic projects  and amateur radio.